Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Found Poem

English 10c Found Poem
By: Jessica Hung, Angeni Wang, Fernando Jimenez, Rachata Pitisongswat
from pages 1, 5, 6, 15, 18, 21

Video here

Along the borders of several fields,
The bank,
Coming around in a curve,
Running towards the distant hills,
Woods lapping up at its sides.
We led a comfortable, settled, industrious existence.

Waknuk, it had become.
Orderly, law-abiding, God-respecting.
Burnished puns artistically burnt into the whitewashed walls:
Blessed is the norm,
And in purity our salvation,
The norm is the will of God,
And reproduction is the only holy production.
People in our district had a very sharp eye for the odd.

Sometimes I would dream of a city,
Clustered on the banks of a big blue bay.
I could see the streets
The buildings
Even the shiny fish-shaped things in the sky.
A beautiful, fascinating place,
Quite unlike any I knew.

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